Put spring in your family’s step by bringing them to the Chicago Flower and Garden Show at Navy Pier March 14-18, and stay at the nearby and affordable Chicago Lake Shore Hotel in historic Hyde Park!
The Chicago Flower and Garden Show smells good. And it’s colorful! And the show is packed with activities for folks of all ages! It’s all about inspiring, educating and motivating the next generation of gardener.
Kids will love the Racine zoo animals, the University of Illinois Master Gardeners, learning about farming, potting parties, making crafts, and a whole lot more! There will be lots of demonstration gardens, including one that celebrates the Chicago Cubs World Series win. Everyone will enjoy the water garden, where family members can hand feed fish! Stroll through the Tulip Garden and marvel at the colors!
The Explore the Outdoors Garden will feature a native Illinois prairie. Learn about creating urban flower boxes, how to create a butterfly garden, maximizing your food garden, shop at Mariano’s flower garden for plants to take home. Enjoy seminars such as How to Garden, and the ever-popular cuisine demonstrations using locally sourced foods. The Xfinity lounge will offer eats and comfortable seating to rest your toes. The Luxury Container Garden will offer demonstrations on how to grow plantings in the smallest of spaces.
Navy Pier is located at 600 East Grand Avenue in Chicago. For Chicago Flower and Garden show tickets and more information, go online to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chicago-flower-garden-show-2018-tickets-34734010360?aff=WebsiteTab2018 and follow the prompts.
Make your Chicago Flower and Garden experience more enjoyable by staying at the Chicago Lake Shore Hotel, in Hyde Park. The hotel offers free shuttle bus service to and from the Loop area and is close to bus and train services. Enjoy the free breakfast. The Lake Shore Café offers lunch and dinner. AND Jazz and seafood buffet (non-seafood items available) Friday nights.