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Chicago’s Standing a Little Taller Tonight!

Tonight Chicago is proud! Tonight Chicago is the center of the universe! Tonight from all over the world eyes are on Chicago. In growing up I always thought that Chicago was the heart of this country on a map. Were  a little more noticeable now. Our President Elect made a great acceptance speech tonight that brought the world to Chicago.

Maybe now we will be known for more than Al Capone and gangsters to many parts of the world. I believe the world will be making a path to Chicago and as always, Chicago has its welcoming arms open.

And don’t forget our president elect just lives a few blocks away from the Chicago Lake Shore Hotel. Every day the world also beats a path to our doors at the Chicago Lake Shore Hotel and our doors are always open. So if you want to visit where our new president is from, come on by the Chicago Lake Shore Hotel and see all that Chicago has to offer!