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One of a Kind Art Show

Come to Chicago for the One of a Kind Art Show and Sale at The Mart, April 27-29, and stay at the nearby and affordable Chicago Lake Shore Hotel!

The One of a Kind Art Show and Sale will feature the work, functional and decorative, of over 300 artists. Should you be hungry or thirsty, there will be cafes and bars on the show floor. Everything you see for sale is handmade! Stroll through the Fine Art Gallery and enjoy live music from musicians from the Old Town School of Folk Music.

Featured: Lillstreet is returning to One of a Kind Spring Show! Since 1975, Lillstreet Art Center, noted for clay-making, has been proudly supporting a vibrant visual community in Chicago – embracing the skills, techniques and goals of its artists, instructors and students. Join Kidstreet at Lillstreet for family-friendly programming all weekend long. Kidstreet will offer open art, crafts and workshops for all ages during each day of the show. Adults and kids alike are invited to bring an enthusiasm to create! Teaching artists will feature a variety of hand-on projects and introduce you to Lillstreet’s classes and camp offerings for young artists.

Featured: The Hatchery Pavilion. Located within the Gourmet Market, this new area features emerging food entrepreneurs sampling, selling and showing you “how it’s made.” The Hatchery will also have a table for those interested in learning more about starting and growing a food business as well as how to become involved in this thriving community.

The Mart (formerly the Merchandise Mart) is located at 222 Merchandise Plaza in Chicsgo. For tickets and a full schedule of events, go online to and follow the prompts.

Make your One of a Kind Art Show and Sale experience more enjoyable by staying at the Chicago Lake Shore Hotel, in historic Hyde Park. Chicago Lake Shore offers free shuttle bus service to and from the Loop area and is close to bus and train services. The Lake Shore Café offers breakfast, lunch and dinner. AND Jazz and seafood buffet (non-seafood items available) Friday nights.