Enjoy the offbeat comedy of Ricky Gervais’ “Humanity” show at the Chicago Theatre May 24-25, and stay at the nearby and affordable Chicago Lake Shore Hotel!
Ricky Gervais uses comedy to pokes holes in the bombast of life. He describes his new show, “Humanity,” as his angriest and most honest show ever. “I may as well tell you everything before I die.” He is a master satirist who specializes in deflating hypocrisy.
Ricky Gervais created the British TV comedies “The Office” (the American version stars Steve Carrel, “Extras” (a riotous take about the lives of actors playing bit parts in films), and “Derek.” “Extras” featured stars such as Patrick Stewart, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Stiller and David Bowie playing exaggerated versions of themselves. His latest project is a mockumentary for Netflix, “David Brent, Life on the Road” (Brent is his character from “The Office”). He is well-known as the controversial four-time host of the Golden Globes. He has won four Golden Globe Awards and two Emmy Awards.
The Chicago Theatre is located at 175 North State Street in the heart of the Loop. For tickets to see Ricky Gervais’ “Humanity” show, go online to http://www.thechicagotheatre. com/tickets.html and follow the prompts.
Make your Ricky Gervais “Humanity” show experience more enjoyable by staying at the Chicago Lake Shore Hotel, in historic Hyde Park. Chicago Lake Shore offers free shuttle bus service to and from the Loop area and is close to bus and train services. The Lake Shore Café offers breakfast, lunch and dinner. AND Jazz and seafood buffet (non-seafood items available) Friday nights.